الخطة الدراسية لامتحان شهادة المجلس الطبي الاردني (البورد الاردني) لتخصص طب الاسنان الجزء الاول
الخطة الدراسية لامتحان شهادة المجلس الطبي الاردني (البورد الاردني) لتخصص طب الاسنان الجزء الاول
Jordanian Dental Board Examination part one
Recommended reading list
Section 1: Craniofacial development and growth
- Embryologic derivation of dental and oral structures and development of somites (especially: metotic and prootic somites)
- Development of the maxillofacial complex
- Development of the branchial arches
- Development of the face, jaws, palate, tongue, thyroid gland
- Growth of the skull and jaws.
- Endochondral and intra-membranous ossification
- Types of cartilaginous growth
- Growth of the base of the skull (synchondroses)
- Growth of the condylar cartilage
- Development of the teeth and tooth supporting tissues
- Stages of tooth development
- Amelogenesis and dentinogenesis
- Development of the root and periodontium
Section 2: Anatomy of the Head and Neck, Oral anatomy
Head and Neck
- Osteology of Head and Neck
- The scalp & face
- The temporal region
- Infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae
- The statoaccoustic organ (ear), Orbital cavity, and nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
- Cranial fossae
- Soft palate and pharynx
- The Neck: Deep Fascia, the triangles of the neck, root of the neck, cervical vertebrae. cervical plexus, thyroid gland and larynx
- Cranial Nerves
- Vascular system and Lymphatic drainage of the head and neck
Oral Anatomy
- Dental anatomy and occlusion
- Chronology of tooth development
- Palate, floor of the mouth, tongue, salivary glands, and the temporomandibular joint.
- Facial spaces and spread of odontogenic infections
- Regional anatomy for Local Anesthesia in Dentistry
Section 3: Oral Histology, oral physiology, and oral pathology
Oral Histology
- Structure of the dental hard tissues, the dental pulp, and supporting tissues of the teeth.
- Oral mucosae including gingiva and dentogingival junction: Structure and function.
- Structure of the salivary glands.
- Histology of TMJ.
Oral Physiology
- Saliva: composition, physiochemical properties and its role in oral health and disease.
- Temporomandibular joint: articular surfaces, interarticular meniscus, and synovial fluid: its structure, function and common disturbances
- Control of jaw posture and movement.
- Mastication and: muscles of mastication, chewing cycles, oral sensory reflexes.
- Physiology of swallowing and gag reflex: development, mechanism and neural control.
- Oral sensory perception: the nature and distribution of sensory receptors in the mouth and face
- Physiology of oral and dental pain
- Physiology of tooth eruption: mechanisms and theories.
Oral Pathology
- Developmental disorders of teeth, soft tissues, and craniofacial malformations e.g. cleft lip and palate.
- Caries, diseases of pulp, periapical region and periodontium
- Diseases of the oral mucosa: white and red lesions, infections, ulcerations, swellings, pigmentations and neoplasms.
- Diseases of salivary glands: functional, infective, obstructive and neoplastic.
- Odontogenic cysts and tumors
- Diseases of jaw bones: hereditary, inflammatory, metabolic, fibro-osseous and neoplastic.
Section 4: General physiology
- Cellular physiology.
- Neurophysiology:
CNS organization
Somatic sensation system
Touch pain thermal and proprioception
Special sensations
Smell and taste
Motor system
Muscle reflexes: types and mechanisms
The nature of motor control
Cranial nerves: components, distribution, function, lesions and disorders
Brain stem reticular activating system: function and role in coma and sleep
- Muscle physiology:
Skeletal muscle structure & Mechanics of contraction
Characteristics of muscle contraction
Muscle length & tension relation
Muscle load & velocity of contraction relation
Motor unit summation & Tetanization
Energetic of contraction & Muscle fatigue
Adaptation of skeletal muscle to demands
Skeletal muscle pathology
- Kidneys:
Renal role in hormone and drug clearance
Renal Control of Acid-Base Balance.
- Nutrition:
Body Energetics,
Dietary balance and Regulation of food intake
Essential Dietary components
Mineral & Vitamins requirements
- Blood physiology:
Plasma volume, composition & function
Blood volume, composition & and cell count
White blood cell types & function
Platelets count & function
Hemostasis, mechanism and disorders
- Cardiovascular system:
Cardiac Action Potential & electrical Conduction System of the heart
The normal Electrocardiography (ECG)
Heart as a pump & cardiac cycle
Cardiac output & venous return
Circulation and Hemodynamics
Regulation of arterial blood pressure & Heart rate
The Role of the Autonomic Nervous System
Circulatory Disturbances
Hyperemia & congestion
- Respiratory System:
Pulmonary function
Mechanism of respiration
Regulation of respiration
Pulmonary Function Tests
- Endocrine System: Component, function & disorders
- Physiology of Bone: Bone cells, Bone remodeling, bone fracture and repair.
Section 5: General pathology, immunology, and microbiology
General Pathology
- Cell and tissue Damage.
- Acute and chronic inflammation
- Wound healing
- Neoplasm & Disorders of growth
- Hemodynamic disorders: shock & hemorrhage, Edema, thromboembolism, and infarction.
- Fever and hypothermia
General Immunology:
- Immune response:
- Nonspecific and specific immunity
- Functional steps in the immune response.
- Hypersensitivity and autoimmunity.
General Microbiology:
- Disinfection and sterilization; control of cross infection
- Oral microbiology of caries, periodontal disease and dental infections.
- Bacteriology: Staphylococci, Streptococci, and bacterial infections related to dentistry such as TB, syphilis, actinomycosis, leprosy.
- Fungi: Candidiasis
- Viruses: general properties, classification, life cycle and reproduction, and main viruses related to dentistry (Herpes, Papilloma, Mumps, HIV, Hepatitis, Coxsackie).
Section 6: Therapeutics in relation to dentistry
- Antimicrobial agents: mode of action, toxicity, resistance and dosage.
- Mediators of pain and inflammation; peripherally and centrally acting analgesics; anti-inflammatory agents
- Drug interactions especially in dentistry
- Pharmacology of local anesthesia.
Section 7: Dental aspects of medically compromised patients
- Respiratory system: Asthma, COPD
- Cardiovascular disease: Ischemic heart disease, congenital disease, hypertension, and heart failure.
- Blood disorders: anemia and bleeding disorders.
- Renal disease: renal failure
- Liver disease: hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
- Endocrine disease: diabetes, adrenal dysfunction.
- Neural disorders: Epilepsy
Suggested Reference list:
- Oral Anatomy, Embryology and Histology. B. K. B. Berkovitz, Graham Rex Holland, B. J. Moxham. Mosby, 4th edition, 2009.
- Textbook of Medical Physiology. Guyton and Hall, Saunders QT. 12th edition, 2010.
- Essentials of microbiology for dental students. Jeremy Bagg, T. Wallace MacFarlane, Ian R. Poxton. Oxford medical publications. 2nd edition, 2005.
- Robbins Basic Pathology. Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster. Saunders W. 9th edition, 2012.
- Oral microbiology and immunology. Russell J. Nisengard, Michael G. Newman. Saunders, 2nd edition, 1993.
- Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry. John A. Yagiela, Frank J. Dowd, Bart Johnson, Angelo Mariotti, and Enid A. Neidle, 6th Edition, 2010.
- Anatomy for Dental Students. Johnson and Moore. 3rd edition. Oxford university press, 1997.
- Oral Bioscience. Ferguson D. B. Churchill Livingston. 2nd edition, 2006.
- Medical problems in dentistry Crispian Scully, 7th edition, 2014.
- Oral Pathology J. V. Soames, J. C. Southam, 4th edition 2005.